Friday, October 30, 2009

All Their Hopes

"There is hope, but not for us."
-Franz Kafka

All their hopes to not work minimum wage jobs
All their hopes to not be victims of the housing crisis
All their hopes to not be victims of the health care crisis
All their hopes for and identifications with a distant people who have had their land their local resources taken from them by a faceless outside corporate entity
All the so-called "cliche" in this
Is not elegiac enough
Is not a requiem dire enough
To site us to cite
To take Sades
The undead so displaced were they
Who otherwise should be considered vital/viral

All their hopes to not work at Mickey D's
All their hopes to not pay additional tuition
All their hopes to not be controlled by debt to start a family not controlled by debt
All their hopes to find relationships not ruled by force and brutal circumstance
All their sorrows which will not be named will not be analyzed
All the names the hopes for names that will not be grieved
"I" will not awake to the sound of these
Within ear-shot, eye-shot, headless, heedless
All their hopes to not be a multi-national corporation
All their hopes to not be a unilateral war
All their hopes to not be tortured meat byproducts

All their hopes their shared hopes
To not hope and to actually do to accomplish to achieve something to be in relation to to hallucinate what we really want a name for "the record"
All their hopes to be plausible/possible
All their hopes to be or not to be
All their hopes to be a wreck--dashed
All their hopes to be dashing quashed by conflict scores of us are quavering/quibbling on our knees
All their hopes to enter into paradises
All their hopes to enter into promises
All their hopes to keep their promises
The oil that is not coming from anywhere not from God or from spirit or the systemic destruction of sustainable cultures
All their hopes to not be a wasteland of consumer desires
All their hopes to not be Walmart to not desire Walmart

All their hopes in China all their hopes in Iran all their hopes in Afghanistan burning like unequivocal flags
All their hopes to remember
All their hopes to remember what they must forget to survive this affirmation this burning which is not fair
Nothing is fair except when we do (struck-out)
All their hopes burn with consequence
All their hopes burn and yet it is the whole world which must change
Until they realize this there should be no hope
There should be no future in what we hope for.