Friday, October 09, 2009

Would we no longer
Be ashamed of being
The remains of us
And what they are
Withholding while we
Decimate other peoples
Money is a necessary
Evil morality tells me
To blow it out my ass
Suck it up like I was
Not condemned by
Common sense the
Senses of your abstract
Loads depleted by
Grammar governance
And training let's make
A new orifice sew
It up let's fuck like
Dollar bills infinitely
Exchangeable but with-
out actual value
Would we no longer
Be a resource.
Be ashamed of being
The remains of us
And what they are
Withholding while we
Decimate other peoples
Money is a necessary
Evil morality tells me
To blow it out my ass
Suck it up like I was
Not condemned by
Common sense the
Senses of your abstract
Loads depleted by
Grammar governance
And training let's make
A new orifice sew
It up let's fuck like
Dollar bills infinitely
Exchangeable but with-
out actual value
Would we no longer
Be a resource.
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Bharat Jiva / No Gender launch event
Please help us celebrate the release of
Bharat Jiva by kari edwards
kari edwards: NO GENDER
Reflections on the Life & Work of kari edwards
edited by Julian T. Brolaski, erica kaufman, and E. Tracy Grinnell
Monday, October 12, 2009
@ Dixon Place (161 Chrystie Street)
doors at 7pm, event begins at 7:30pm sharp
Admission is $6 at the door
with readings by:
Rob Halpern
Akilah Oliver
Marcus Civin
Brenda Iijima
Bill Marsh
Tim Peterson (Trace)
Fran Blau
Julian T. Brolaski
Anne Waldman
kari edwards (1954 - 2006) was a poet, artist and gender activist, winner of New Langton Art's Bay Area Award in literature (2002). edwards was the author of have been blue for charity (BlazeVox, 2006) obedience (Factory School, 2005), iduna (O Books, 2003), a day in the life of p. (subpress collective, 2002) a diary of lies, Belladonna #27 (Belladonna Books, 2002), obLiqUE paRt(itON): colLABorationS (xPress(ed), 2002), and post/(pink) (Scarlet Press, 2000). edwards' work has appeared in numerous publications, such as anthologies Blood and Tears: Poems for Matthew Shepard (Painted leaf Press, 2000), and Electric Spandex: anthology of writing the queer text (Pyriform Press, 2002); as well as been exhibited throughout the United States, including Denver art museum, New Orleans contemporary art museum, University of California (San Diego), and University of Massachusetts (Amherst).
Bharat Jiva by kari edwards
kari edwards: NO GENDER
Reflections on the Life & Work of kari edwards
edited by Julian T. Brolaski, erica kaufman, and E. Tracy Grinnell
Monday, October 12, 2009
@ Dixon Place (161 Chrystie Street)
doors at 7pm, event begins at 7:30pm sharp
Admission is $6 at the door
with readings by:
Rob Halpern
Akilah Oliver
Marcus Civin
Brenda Iijima
Bill Marsh
Tim Peterson (Trace)
Fran Blau
Julian T. Brolaski
Anne Waldman
kari edwards (1954 - 2006) was a poet, artist and gender activist, winner of New Langton Art's Bay Area Award in literature (2002). edwards was the author of have been blue for charity (BlazeVox, 2006) obedience (Factory School, 2005), iduna (O Books, 2003), a day in the life of p. (subpress collective, 2002) a diary of lies, Belladonna #27 (Belladonna Books, 2002), obLiqUE paRt(itON): colLABorationS (xPress(ed), 2002), and post/(pink) (Scarlet Press, 2000). edwards' work has appeared in numerous publications, such as anthologies Blood and Tears: Poems for Matthew Shepard (Painted leaf Press, 2000), and Electric Spandex: anthology of writing the queer text (Pyriform Press, 2002); as well as been exhibited throughout the United States, including Denver art museum, New Orleans contemporary art museum, University of California (San Diego), and University of Massachusetts (Amherst).
Speculating on Change at Vera List Center

Michael A. Cohen
Speculating on Change: Four Paradoxes of Our Urban Future
Friday, October 16, 2009 - 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
The New School, Kellen Auditorium
65 Fifth Avenue, between 12th and 13th Streets
New York City
Admission: $8, free for all students, New School faculty, staff and alumni with valid ID
Each year, an inaugural lecture launches the Vera List Center's annual theme, defining the intellectual territory that will be explored in public programs throughout the year. The lecturer introduces the theme in the broadest sense, serving as a guide to the range and richness of the topic at hand, and rooting the concept within The New School's intellectual tradition.
This year's programs call for a speculation on notions of "change," specifically some of the descriptions, procedures and perceptions associated with change that inform collective action, whether political, scientific, or cultural. The inaugural lecture is delivered by Michael A. Cohen, Director, The Graduate Program of International Affairs at The New School.
The current global economic crisis demonstrates the impact on the economic welfare and political stability of both rich and poor countries of accelerating global flows of people, ideas, capital and competition for control over human and natural resources. Cohen discusses cities both as sites of the greatest impacts of global change, but also as sites providing solutions to some of the challenges that result from such change.
Michael A. Cohen (Ph.D., University of Chicago) is Director of the International Affairs Program. He also works as Advisor to the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Design, and Urban Planning of the University of Buenos Aires. Before coming to the New School in 2001, he was a Visiting Fellow of the International Center for Advanced Studies at New York University. From 1972 to 1999, he had a distinguished career at the World Bank. He was responsible for much of the urban policy development of the Bank over that period and, from 1994 to 1998, he served as the Senior Advisor to the Bank's Vice-President for Environmentally Sustainable Development. He has worked in over fifty countries and was heavily involved in the Bank's work on infrastructure, environment, and sustainable development. He is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences Panel on Urban Dynamics.
Cohen is the author or editor of several books, including most recently Preparing the Urban Future: Global Pressures and Local Forces (ed. with A. Garland, B. Ruble, and J. Tulchin), The Human Face of the Urban Environment (ed. with I. Serageldin), and Urban Policy and Economic Development: An Agenda for the 1990s. Other recent publications include articles in 25 Years of Urban Development (Amersfoort, The Netherlands, 1998), Cities Fit for People (Kirdar, ed., 1996), The Brookings Review, Journal of the Society for the Study of Traditional Environments, International Social Science Review, Habitat International, and Finance and Development. He is currently completing a study of urban inequality in Buenos Aires. He has taught at the University of California at Berkeley, The Johns Hopkins University, and the School of Architecture, Design, and Urban Planning of the University of Buenos Aires.
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
What Came to Be Called Values
--for kari edwards after reading Bharat Jiva
Since we are disciple
And we are disciplined
The sky rhymes with interpellation
And history rhymes with sorrow
I plays dead the real
Dead can't even counter-
fire or be recalled
At a speed faster
Than the speed of light
A sun without shadow
Shining in these holes
And other holy
Places of disagreement
Your shrapnel erotica
Your maze of skin
Tests living labor
Make us governable
Virtuosos yet you keep moving
A kind of angel of discourse
I.e. an instant
Messenger mediating
The memoir of our mnemotechnique
What came to be called values.
Play dead no one no longer will
Will this maze of skin
Docile flesh performance who is a hostage
To their inherent values
I am listening to your time sense
To the gerunds in your breath
That won't let your body be possessed
By anything except catastrophe
And negative experience which is a mode
Of I without name or defense
Our death and their deaths become porous
Yet irreplaceable
Neither the sky or the earth are transcendent
But present a world outliving us.
Since we are disciple
And we are disciplined
The sky rhymes with interpellation
And history rhymes with sorrow
I plays dead the real
Dead can't even counter-
fire or be recalled
At a speed faster
Than the speed of light
A sun without shadow
Shining in these holes
And other holy
Places of disagreement
Your shrapnel erotica
Your maze of skin
Tests living labor
Make us governable
Virtuosos yet you keep moving
A kind of angel of discourse
I.e. an instant
Messenger mediating
The memoir of our mnemotechnique
What came to be called values.
Play dead no one no longer will
Will this maze of skin
Docile flesh performance who is a hostage
To their inherent values
I am listening to your time sense
To the gerunds in your breath
That won't let your body be possessed
By anything except catastrophe
And negative experience which is a mode
Of I without name or defense
Our death and their deaths become porous
Yet irreplaceable
Neither the sky or the earth are transcendent
But present a world outliving us.
OCTOBER 129: Chan and Buchloh

I don't normally read OCTOBER. And not because I don't admire it. I was raised on it, but for some reason I just forget it exists sometimes. Reading some of the current issue, I was very moved by Paul Chan's "The Spirit of Recession" and Benjamin Buchloh's "Raymond Pettibon: After Laughter." Chan is one of the most intellectual and politically minded artists I know working today, and his piece goes to show it as he takes apart the cultural politics (if not the obscure economics) of 'recession' through recourse to autobiography, essay, and polemic about the state of visual arts. Buchloh's "After Laughter" is a brilliant and clear reading of Raymond Pettibon's oeuvre situating the artist's work within a tradition of fine art and political caricature. His basic argument: that Pettibon goes beyond caricature in order to invent a rhetorically slippery drawing practice that can adequately respond to post-70s Right-wing 'spin' and (post-) Reagan-era power dynamics. Not having written (or even had an intelligent conversation) about Pettibon's drawings before, but always having admired them, I was very moved to read something that so clearly expressed my own intuitions towards Pettibon's work. Buchloh's article makes me wonder who is taking-up Pettibon's rhetorically astute caricature among a younger generation of artists. And what writers/poets have a sustained drawing practice in the service of their politics.
Twitter Crackdown
Twitter Crackdown: NYC Activist Arrested for Using Social Networking Site during G-20Protest in Pittsburgh * Elliot Madison was arrested last month during the G-20 protests in Pittsburgh when police raided his hotel room. Police say Madison and a co-defendant used computers and a radio scanner to track police movements and then passed on that information to protesters using cell phones and the social networking site Twitter. Madison is being charged with hindering apprehension or prosecution, criminal use of a communication facility, and possession of instruments of crime. Exactly one week later, Madison's New York home was raided by FBI agents, who conducted a sixteen-hour search. We speak to Elliot Madison and his attorney, Martin Stolar.
Sunday, October 04, 2009
Books & Magazines I Received this Past Year
that I have not written anything about (yet) but enjoyed reading and would highly recommend to others:
Etel Adnan's There (Post-Apollo)
George Albon's Step (Post-Apollo)
Jose Felipe Alvergue's us look up / there red dwells (Queue Books)
Animal Shelter vol. 1 (ed. Hedi El Kholti)
Alan Bernheimer's Billionesque (The Figures)
Brandon Brown's Camels (TAXT)
David Buuck's 17 Reasons Why (Mission 17 Gallery)
David Buuck's Buried Treasure Island: a Detour of the Future (BARGE)
David Buuck's The Shunt (Palm Press)
CAConrad's Advanced Elvis Course (Soft Skull)
Damn the Caesars vol. 5 (ed. Rich Owens)
Marcella Durand's AREA (Belladonna)
Marcella Durand's Traffic and Weather (Futurepoem)
Rob Fitterman's The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Edge)
Rob Fitterman's War, the Musical (Subpress)
Ted Greenwald's 3 (Cuneiform)
Ted Greenwald's In your Dreams (Blazevox)
Ted Greenwald's Two Wrongs (Cuneiform)
Rob Halpern's Weak Link (Slack Buddha)
Carla Harryman's Open Box (Belladonna)
Geof Huth's Eyechart Poems (Queue Books)
Brenda Iijima's Rabbit Lesson (Fewer & Further Press)
Lisa Jarnot's Night Scenes (Flood)
Paul Foster Johnson's Refrains | Unworkings (Apostrophe Books)
Judith Goldman's The Dispossessions (Atticus / Finch)
Erica Kaufman's Censory Impulse (Heretical Texts)
David Larsen's Names of the Lion (Atticus / Finch)
Sara Larsen's Novus (Earthworm Press)
Joel Lewis's Learning From New Jersey (Talisman)
MIMEO MIMEO vol.'s 1/2 (Cuneiform Press)
Miranda Mellis's Materialisms (Portable Press)
Geoffrey Olsen's End Notebook (Petrichord Books)
Rich Owens' Delaware Memoranda (Blazevox)
P-Queue vol. 6 (ed. Andrew Rippeon)
Prismatic Publics: Innovative Canadian Women's Poetry and Poetics (ed. Kate Eichhorn and Heather Milne, Coach House)
Frances Richard's Shaved Code (Portable Press)
Andrew Rippeon's Priest (Vigilance Society)
Satellite Telephone vol. 1 (ed. Robert Dewhurst)
Jennifer Scappettone's Err-Residence (Bronze Skull)
Joshua Schuster's Theater of Public Safety (Handwritten Press)
Dale Smith's Susquehanna (Punch Press)
Joanathan Skinner's With Naked Foot (Little Scratch Pad Editions)
Sasha Steensen's The Method (Fence)
Rodrigo Toscano's Collapsible Poetics Theater (Fence)
Rachel Zolf's Human Resources (Coach House)
Etel Adnan's There (Post-Apollo)
George Albon's Step (Post-Apollo)
Jose Felipe Alvergue's us look up / there red dwells (Queue Books)
Animal Shelter vol. 1 (ed. Hedi El Kholti)
Alan Bernheimer's Billionesque (The Figures)
Brandon Brown's Camels (TAXT)
David Buuck's 17 Reasons Why (Mission 17 Gallery)
David Buuck's Buried Treasure Island: a Detour of the Future (BARGE)
David Buuck's The Shunt (Palm Press)
CAConrad's Advanced Elvis Course (Soft Skull)
Damn the Caesars vol. 5 (ed. Rich Owens)
Marcella Durand's AREA (Belladonna)
Marcella Durand's Traffic and Weather (Futurepoem)
Rob Fitterman's The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Edge)
Rob Fitterman's War, the Musical (Subpress)
Ted Greenwald's 3 (Cuneiform)
Ted Greenwald's In your Dreams (Blazevox)
Ted Greenwald's Two Wrongs (Cuneiform)
Rob Halpern's Weak Link (Slack Buddha)
Carla Harryman's Open Box (Belladonna)
Geof Huth's Eyechart Poems (Queue Books)
Brenda Iijima's Rabbit Lesson (Fewer & Further Press)
Lisa Jarnot's Night Scenes (Flood)
Paul Foster Johnson's Refrains | Unworkings (Apostrophe Books)
Judith Goldman's The Dispossessions (Atticus / Finch)
Erica Kaufman's Censory Impulse (Heretical Texts)
David Larsen's Names of the Lion (Atticus / Finch)
Sara Larsen's Novus (Earthworm Press)
Joel Lewis's Learning From New Jersey (Talisman)
MIMEO MIMEO vol.'s 1/2 (Cuneiform Press)
Miranda Mellis's Materialisms (Portable Press)
Geoffrey Olsen's End Notebook (Petrichord Books)
Rich Owens' Delaware Memoranda (Blazevox)
P-Queue vol. 6 (ed. Andrew Rippeon)
Prismatic Publics: Innovative Canadian Women's Poetry and Poetics (ed. Kate Eichhorn and Heather Milne, Coach House)
Frances Richard's Shaved Code (Portable Press)
Andrew Rippeon's Priest (Vigilance Society)
Satellite Telephone vol. 1 (ed. Robert Dewhurst)
Jennifer Scappettone's Err-Residence (Bronze Skull)
Joshua Schuster's Theater of Public Safety (Handwritten Press)
Dale Smith's Susquehanna (Punch Press)
Joanathan Skinner's With Naked Foot (Little Scratch Pad Editions)
Sasha Steensen's The Method (Fence)
Rodrigo Toscano's Collapsible Poetics Theater (Fence)
Rachel Zolf's Human Resources (Coach House)
Two Poems For Friendship
Deserve your enemies my friend
Because the world is burning
From eloquence and all the fake
Shit that is made for consequence
To hide behind supposed disparity
And pretend to be the conscience
Of the world all I really wanted
Was to have an honest conversation
All the world wants for conversation
But your flaming leaves it cold
A kind of lack for lack's sake
A flick that can't cover our larger
Insalvageables distances grow
In our breath like some possible
Community formed in what remains.
II. The Progress of Our Naïveté
-for Rachel
Or "patiency" which is not
The opposite of agency as
Rob often says but the inverse
Of willing ourselves to con-
stantly be a master over
Objects the more one knows
The more one listens to
The gaps in everything we
Do like those soldiers abroad
Firing into a daylight not
Anybody's to destroy who
Controls those docile bodies
And what will be their subject
Is not just an abomination
Of what we cannot see
But a fleeing into the holey
Spaces they have made
Despite our beautiful theories.
Deserve your enemies my friend
Because the world is burning
From eloquence and all the fake
Shit that is made for consequence
To hide behind supposed disparity
And pretend to be the conscience
Of the world all I really wanted
Was to have an honest conversation
All the world wants for conversation
But your flaming leaves it cold
A kind of lack for lack's sake
A flick that can't cover our larger
Insalvageables distances grow
In our breath like some possible
Community formed in what remains.
II. The Progress of Our Naïveté
-for Rachel
Or "patiency" which is not
The opposite of agency as
Rob often says but the inverse
Of willing ourselves to con-
stantly be a master over
Objects the more one knows
The more one listens to
The gaps in everything we
Do like those soldiers abroad
Firing into a daylight not
Anybody's to destroy who
Controls those docile bodies
And what will be their subject
Is not just an abomination
Of what we cannot see
But a fleeing into the holey
Spaces they have made
Despite our beautiful theories.
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