I wish there was
is the name of a
site where you c
an do a want and
perchance it will
come true. Sounds
marvelous makes
n't it? The site
Iwishtherewas can
assist you encou
nter a solution
to your job. The
thought is great
I conceive, beca
use not simply is
it a opportunity
to verily chance
that solution, b
ut too because it
Holds the follow
ing logical meas
ure for companies
to cognize what p
eople really des
ire. All you sho
uld make is dire
ct in your want a
nd wait for a com
pany to pick it u
pwards. Or you may
happen out that
there already is
a solution to your
job! It is ally in
line with the ten
dency of utilizi
ng people (crowds)
to market your th
oughts or get fee
dback on your mer
chandises. See be
sides crowd sourc
ing. That is all
about linking peo
ple and companies
to excogitate bet
ter wares or to me
liorate merchandi
ses. Increasingly
the net is seen as
a spot where there
is more info, but
where there is a w
hole rootage of no
esis and thoughts,
free to utilize for
everybody. And, peo
ple care to be heard!
*all language lifted from http://marianowilliamry.blogspot.com
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
The Plan
The plan is not the
Body as Creeley once
Wrote there is no
Plan not even the body
Is a plan my body wrote
And yours wrote where
We becomes one sub-
ject and theirs is an
Allergen to the dermis
Beginning in this situ-
ation to become these
Hives arrive what
Better oversensitivity
To matter little co-
lonies of them on
My hands without
Keeper my body sov-
ereign and your tears
This I this you apart it
Is situational an event
But it isn't a plan
Pain is not a plan
Irritation is not a plan
It is a mood defining
Our relationship to
Things mediated by
The skin 90% holes
Whenever I let you
Whenever you let
The world in what
Forms will this pro-
duce what will emerge
Through stress related
To the surface the
Body is an environment
It is an ecology but
It is not a plan it is
A hiccup to being
Also that which we
Notice conspicuous
When it breaks down
The flesh perhaps
That is the body con-
stituting itself an event
Inappropriate like
Everything else par-
ticular what gestures
It will bring what
Breakdown and un-
known causes these
Are also a metaphysics
Truth of matter when
It erupts there is an I
More sympathetic with
We there is an em-
pathy one feels with
One's self as though
It were another observing
Its symptoms and ef-
fects from afar the plan
Is not the body the body
Is an event amidst
Other events the body
Is an ethic which makes
An I them translating
Distances through skin.
Body as Creeley once
Wrote there is no
Plan not even the body
Is a plan my body wrote
And yours wrote where
We becomes one sub-
ject and theirs is an
Allergen to the dermis
Beginning in this situ-
ation to become these
Hives arrive what
Better oversensitivity
To matter little co-
lonies of them on
My hands without
Keeper my body sov-
ereign and your tears
This I this you apart it
Is situational an event
But it isn't a plan
Pain is not a plan
Irritation is not a plan
It is a mood defining
Our relationship to
Things mediated by
The skin 90% holes
Whenever I let you
Whenever you let
The world in what
Forms will this pro-
duce what will emerge
Through stress related
To the surface the
Body is an environment
It is an ecology but
It is not a plan it is
A hiccup to being
Also that which we
Notice conspicuous
When it breaks down
The flesh perhaps
That is the body con-
stituting itself an event
Inappropriate like
Everything else par-
ticular what gestures
It will bring what
Breakdown and un-
known causes these
Are also a metaphysics
Truth of matter when
It erupts there is an I
More sympathetic with
We there is an em-
pathy one feels with
One's self as though
It were another observing
Its symptoms and ef-
fects from afar the plan
Is not the body the body
Is an event amidst
Other events the body
Is an ethic which makes
An I them translating
Distances through skin.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Reading with WE ARE SCIENCE this Sunday in DC

I am reading with WE ARE SCIENCE (Jon Lee and Adam Good) this coming Sunday at the DC Arts Center in Washington D.C. Thanks to Tina Darragh for organzing the reading!
Sunday, April 19, 3:00 pm
Adam Good & Jon Lee are WE ARE SCIENCE & Thom Donovan
@ DC Arts Center
2438 18th Street in Adams Morgan
(south of Columbia Rd. on the west side of the street)
All readings are on third Sundays at 3 PM, Admission $3, FREE for DCAC members
Chomsky on "too big to fail" and the recent push for nationalized healthcare
Perhaps useful for thinking about recent corporate bail-outs, and changes in "public" opinion about nationalizing healthcare:
The next corporatist encroachment
The end of an era?
And yet bandwidth prices continue to fall?
And yet bandwidth prices continue to fall?
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