--after Brothers Quay
What wand defies the sky what hand bites the mouth
Compassion holds fast to falling things chilling challenged heart
Beauty sings to master to master a possible master
Necessity sings to chalk a necessary circumference of eyes
Crosses disappear from this still night still snow and shadeful
In a forest of make-believe make believe this single point is all time ringing
A single history of force to make circles and disturb circles in space
Throats sing an eccentric promise the folds we maintain on repeat
Where the eye falls it falls to us to make circles and disturb circles
The first circle is the eye each point riven for time
What beauty levitates and what beauty erupts
What beauty wand defies the sky hand gnaws-off the mouth
What beauty sings to master to master potential necessary
The hand makes eternity where a pile of dust is
New eyes are new numbers written clockwise in chalk
New numbers make new bodies new substances for new time
Throats sing an extemporaneous promise to research history rings
To start with breath and heart move outward inward coupling
Each body revolves around each body eyes fall to compassionate couple
Gush of heat in the humdrum of dying who then prays for who
To sing to master sing of all possible things crowned
Crowned awry in a corridor anamorphic a forest of eyes
Of pine needles and eyes to sing like swaying marinonettes
What all creatures sing they first sing to themselves
The mortal or the dead for each other's rest these teeth this crystalline heart
These initiations are of the animal of the forest animal before
Gush of heat who says not to speak each eccentric point rung
Each eccentric point rung gush of heat who says not to speak
Of the forest animal before these initiations are of the animal
These teeth this crystalline heart the mortal or the dead for each other's rest
Song of each to their eyebeam grace song of singing tines
Tiny teeth make big bite marks mark small-big heart mouth gnawed off
Yearning to be both big and small and delicate
Delicate balance of our clockwork in a forest of force
Who then prays for who gush of heat in the humdrum of dying
Eyes fall to compassionate couple each body revolves around each body
Move outward inward coupling to start with breath and heart
To research history rings throats sing an extemporaneous promise
New substances for new time new numbers make new bodies
Written clockwise in chalk new eyes are new numbers
Delicate balance of the open is a master compassionate
For servants strings what servants singing a clockwork
Mechanisms of points or pivots rivet hearts heat here
Water flows up from her mouth force cancelling force
Each point riven for time the first circle is the eye
To make circles and disturb circles where the eye falls it falls on us
The folds we maintain on repeat throats sing an eccentric promise
To make circles and disturb circles in space a single history of force
Make believe this single point is all time ringing in a forest of make-believe
Still snow and shadeful crosses disappear from this still night
What wand defies the sky what hand bites the mouth
Compassion holds fast to falling things chilling challenged heart
Beauty sings to master to master a possible master
Necessity sings to chalk a necessary circumference of eyes