Devotion VII
Needful Clips
Rakosi to Eigner
Seeing sweats sweet thought
Rock of hewn jobs
Parsings Jews plumb.
Through your foot the bird
Insists upon this very aspect
The very weight we've become.
For Hannah Weiner
With folks sister the hand that feeds
Bites lines longer regrets a hatchet
Identification in this together integrated
In this together for longer ways
To break meaning given yes
Gives to forage for circulars circles
To break meaning given yes
Her incarceration the sentence always
Sentences consciousness gives-out
Memory pills chide incantation pain
Arrives O right approval adequate hand
Ahem a hem O Hannah this is
For Nathaniel Mackey
In screech of break
throb of sunk note
immanence explodes
to involved version
thunk scrawl tells all
of the millions more
to particular disasters
wind's presupposition
postponing water
at a boat's needful clip.

Devotion XIII
Before Freedom - For Rachael Corrie
Who are you
who would not
swallow. The cold
invites you
the wind and
Yet you won't
become afraid.
blows through
the mind
we are here.
Who can not
grasp it
The weather
Your storm.

Devotion IX
"Out there"
Direct attacks
the dark sleep pinned
Collection to a small
island of delay
Summer when it ceases
in the mind it might
Return in some other
folio or body
Glimpse from the postcard
album coast
To an accurate representation
of this inch of land
We find each other anywhere
that's the problem
Loving thy neighbor
in the light
In the bright bright light
What we see in the gray
sky as an imagined
The field is out there
it comes to us
In the glint
unveiled by a ball
And all dazzle of first mirrors
images four as through a crystal looking
The clock turns back
tuned to time apple core
Violin resonant
with particular wars
In the wet tracks
the stage sun in which clef
glare a code of our missing
Plane descent
Goose to crowd is slowest
To levitate is to see
The visible holes
war of two violins fold
Remember to drop rain
Two houses
two violins, two times
the child adult
the body chased the soul
Or was music's
body his labor
Disrupted in slow
blow of brick
By the seen
All irregularities of the human reside
in the code of a box within
To tag and quill
scissors that cut, catalog and write
What crimes for the future begin
with calendars
serials remind us of history last:
1. Horse head peeping an eye,
sane take for seen take for sign
2. Butcher or clockmaker, spinster or boy
or soldier or maker of pouches
To rehearse death makes them immortal on film.

Devotion X
Blood Which Stays Blood
What is raining? Blood.
Who? The eyes.
How? Day and night.
To tape a name
On the brain
To cut the skull
Open to signs
The seeing ear
The spoken eye
Visions come to everyone
What is raining? Blood.
Who? The eyes.
When? Day and night.

We endure
The time it takes to appear
Wreaths crown
Our antipathy
That time
Is black & cold
A barrier to
The True
What is raining? Blood.
Who? The eyes.
When? Day and night.
Achieving the line
As it passes
Into the night
An approximate swan
Deep-throat silhouettes
Send blood storying
To find the paradox
Of all ague
In the making-soon
Crosses appear
Not swiftly enough
In our curtain mood.
What is raining? Blood.
Who? The eyes.
When? Day and night.