with Dorothea Lasky
You are beautiful
You are beautiful
But you are also heartbreak
Locked forever frozen in time
A cry I cannot get out
No matter how much I grease myself
With honey
Pink palette of grapefruit, the book on the shoulder
Of the room, the rose gardens
But I do not want you to be so
I want to be spilling forth with the acid yellow honey of the bees
O love, take me thusforth
Into your secret places
I will never travel
I will never wake
You are more than heartbreak, you know
In your fanciful suits and closing sighs
You are more than the shining blue room
On the afternoon of the date, the cold bite
You are the hot breath too I take myself into
The hot red fruit I take myself into
The living breathing thing I take in, I want to
Be a watery nymph in a wooded grove
With you
I want to be a cloud so full of honey
That there is nothing left of me
Until I throw myself into the fire
And am contained forever
I will be contained forever, a thing of beauty
I will be that thing forever
I don’t want to be beautiful with you
I want to be an ugly, wretched, bleeding thing
Poring out on the windmills
I want to be the locked tiger they can’t lock up
Until it murders and then rages through the fields
Of wild grasses
I want to be so wild they can’t lock me up
Put fences around me to pen me in
I will be so full of fire that they won’t be able to extinguish me
Before the beauty comes I want to be so full of fire
That they can’t tell me from you, my wretched angel
Sweet animal, they locked us in this life
But I think we still have time before we have to get out of it
--after Rob's *Disaster Lyrics* & Dottie's "blue room"
The limit that is us to
Reach out to it stays the
Understanding since
Nothing forthcoming
Should be understood
Our blank partition
That is the shudder
Separating our blood
Barely prophylactic
"When my soul starts
grow...ing" against all
Assumption and vanity
Not just standing under
All pricksongs nor a
Surety of what we were
So intimacy finds what
Refuge event couldn't
Think the body what
Breath is made up with
Not purely separate
From substance worlds
Whenever we begin to
gether and what we were
Before we began as matter
Was once a gas waiting
To organize these powers
"delay us, our certainness"
In patience these feelings
Never stop growing so we
Seem to float without them.*
I learned to read the letters they said
To me as someone fixed my broken
Teeth while I was learning to read these
Letters and their shape and likeness
Of their shape was like your body and
So that voice comforted me that voice
Of childhood pedagogy like anything
Else I could touch and therefore shape
To my wishes while they sealed my te
eth thru a veil of pain I saw physical
Pain should not be mistaken for grief
For a moment the grief you feel let's
Say when the world is not honey or the
Way we need when we need it not to
Be ironic your imagination wandered
Necessarily like an animal in this pro
blem just released to the wild from its
Cage crying out its eyes for all the blood
It must now shed to continue to be this
Is grief and more rarely a kind of guilt.
All the while that
we were
changing this room
didn't change the
furniture nailed
to the floor the blue
lighting that some
one designed
nothing matters
in that room ex
cept that we are
moved your hands
move to touch me
while the curtains
stay still
not even swayed
by a modest wind
or the air
yet part
of what stirs us
what makes us
move I think
is a desire
to cross that
line of all exhibits
sit on those chairs
so perfectly still
wrap those curtains
around us as if
they and we also were
on fire and this
also moves us
that to disturb this
stillness is taboo
and without taboo
we wouldn't see
the ways we were
moving behind
the blue of the
you took
at that moment
the gauzy softness
of that light like
our eternal tears
our lips impermanence.
That we are complicit
in evidence whatever
our economy gains is
not we with it not wh
en you say No again
to me to everything t
he tanks and their se
xual politics whatever
that is which was one
some lump or waste
left-over from being
recrudescences the ho
rror of sex in this eve
ry poem I confuse with
a poem about love lay
lyrics' condition of
possibility that it will
always be part of dis
aster that more parti
cularly it is the disaster
of the two becoming
one power unsubtract
able from what number
can't know and love's
body can only do in "re
al" duration because be
ing together in whatever
ways we are is always
immeasurable no one
can abstract or quantify
the tears we cry con
tinue to be like a ruin
or the remnants of
what subject we were
within not playing dead
but doing perhaps as
they do occupying their
eyes like a position
our weapons die into.
*quotes from Panda Bear and Sheila Donovan/Tallboys.