Friday, October 23, 2009
Para-Summit on Revolutions in Public Practice

When: Sunday 10.25.09
Where: 16 Beaver Street, 4th Floor
When: 10:30 am
Who: Free and open to all
"The New York Public Library is playing host to this Saturday's Creative Time Summit entitled 'Revolutions in Public Practice.' The event isbringing together an assortment of artists, activists,curators, architects, and collectives to discuss in short intervals of seven minutes, some aspect of their (public) practice in relation to issues of social justice. A group of us thought that it would be interesting to send an open invite to all of those participants to a more improvised conversation on the following day. Our para-summit is also an opportunity to broaden that conversation with others who are interested in the issues which the event is attempting to activate. We will begin at 10:30 with a light breakfast (any simple contributions to it are appreciated, bread, cheese, honey, jam, fruit, etc...). We will then begin the discussion at 11:00 and continue formally until around 1:00. If there is a desire to continue beyond that time, we can take ashort break, and then continue further with those who remain."
--16 Beaver
Link to Creative Time Summit on Revolutions in Public Practice:
Thursday, October 22, 2009
An African in Greenland

The Arctic Book Club
Artists Respond to An African in Greenland
September 18 – October 24, 2009
Opening Reception, Thursday, September 17 from 6-8 pm
Flux Factory and EFA Project Space are proud to present Arctic Book Club, on view from September 18 through October 24, at EFA Project Space in Manhattan. Curated by Jean Barberis and Michelle Levy, this exhibition is the result of a several-month long process embarked on by a group of artists responding to Tété Michel Kpomassie’s book, “An African in Greenland,” an account of the author’s unique journey from his native Togo to Greenland.
On September 23rd at 6:30 pm, Arctic Bookclub welcomes Kpomassie to respond to the exhibition and reflect on his experiences since having left Greenland.
Artists: Amber Cortes, Jenelle Covino, The Green and Bold Cooperative, Katerina Lanfranco, Fabienne Lasserre, Valerie Piraino, Greg Pond, Annie Reichert, Julian Rogers, Ranbir Sidhu, and Christopher Ulivo.
EFA Project Space
323 West 39th Street, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10018
(between 8th and 9th Avenues)
Gallery Hours: Wed. through Sat. 12-6 PM
T. 212-563-5855, F. 212-563-1875
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The Rhetoric of Glenn Beck's "Battles"*

And is it possible that
Pure ideology as
An equally important
An allegory or code
Of appeal was not
I could not tell what
Feature so much in the
He could possibly
Refer to when he
Repetitiousness per se
Compared America
But in the fact that
To a teenager who
By means of it Hitler
Goes out for the night
Provided a "world
With his friends stays
Out beyond cerfew
view" for people who
Drinks and smokes
Had previously
Pot knowing when
Seen the world but
They come home
Piecemeal? Did not
Dad will "kick their
Butt" and they will
Much of his lure derive
Be better off for this
Once more, from the bad
Lesson until I realized
filling of a good need?
He was referring
To everything
Are not those who insist
Threatening his economic
Upon a pure planless
Interest and frankly
Working of the market
Fascist cultural values
Asking people to accept far too
And not something
Slovenly a scheme of
Actually worthy of
Punishment like the
Human purpose, a
Economic exploitation
Slovenly scheme
Of the entire world
That can be accepted
Or the destruction
So long as it operates
Of the environment
I wonder what Glenn
With a fair degree of
Beck could possibly
Satisfaction but
Be thinking when he
Becomes abhorrent
Laments a "simpler
To the victims of its
time" and shows a
Coca Cola commercial
Disarray? Are they not
From the early 70s
Then psychologically
Of a young white boy
Ready for a rationale,
Offering a black
Any rationale, if
Professional football
A coke the football
It but offer them some
Repeatedly refusing
Specious "universal"
The boys offer the boy
Explanation? Hence I
Persistently offering
Doubt whether the appeal
Until he finally accepts
The coke cocking his
Was in the sloganizing
Neck back drinking
Element alone (particularly
Deeply from the archaic
As slogans can only be
Glass bottle an image
Hammered home, in speech
Redolent of com-
passionate masters and
After speech, and two
Complaisant servants the
Or three hours at a stretch,
Context of Civil Rights
By endless variations on
Completely abandoned
The themes). And Hitler
By Fox News' format
Perverted by
Himself somewhat
Neo-colonial fantasies
Justifies my interpretation
Coke = economic
By laying so much
Exploitation qua favor
Emphasis upon the
Child = white master/
White man's burden
Half-measures of the middle-
Black athlete = post-
Class politicians, and the
Jim Crow slave or
Contrasting certainty of
Stereotype of Black
His own methods. He was
People waiting
For a hand-out
Not offering people
It is not obscure at
A rival world view
All what those fascists
Rather, he was offering
In our midst believe
A world view to
As the 'teabaggers'
Signs poorly conceived
People who had no
And spelled incorrectly
other to pit against it
Would have us
Our job, then, our
Believe but a simple
Anti-Hitler Battle is to find
Equation of images and
Signs with ideas and
All available ways of making
Acts of cultural violence
The Hitlerite distortions
Even the terms of
Of religion apparent
Glenn Beck are cod-
In order that politicians
ified they tell us of
A happier time when
Of his kind in America
We were all slaves to
Be unable to perform
The few their economic
A similar swindle
'Developments' and
The desire for unity
Complaisant before
A government
Is genuine and admirable
Disaggregating the body
The desire for national
politic of multitude
Unity, in the present
Governing inasmuch
State of the world is
As all governance
Attempts to divide
Genuine and admirable
Bodies which should
But this unity if attained
Otherwise attract each
On a deceptive basis
Other like a series
By emotional trickeries
Of powers shaping
The One every body
That shift our criticism
The potential to combine
From the accurate locus
With other bodies
Of our trouble, is no
Seize power insurrect
Unity at all for even if we
Become history's subject.
*significant portions of this text are taken from Kenneth Burke's "The Rhetoric of Hitler's 'Battles'"
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Below and above
Master and slave
The mystery of being
All a body holds
But can not see
Their laboring for
This vast nothing
On this threshold
Where we're still
Waiting nothing holds
Us colder than
Masters that we
Are a mastery in
A night of games
And politics
Which passes for
Having lived.
Master and slave
The mystery of being
All a body holds
But can not see
Their laboring for
This vast nothing
On this threshold
Where we're still
Waiting nothing holds
Us colder than
Masters that we
Are a mastery in
A night of games
And politics
Which passes for
Having lived.
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