~ to Nick Piombino & Taylor Brady
"I read a white" site
Thru lyric to review
All things unquiet
& burnt for thinking
That time external to "us"
Internal to its powers
Of becoming-analysis
I drift before a throne
Of sovereign psychologies
Your "hovering attentions"
Mean *me* no harm
Out-moding *our*-selves
As such before impervious
Wills dictates predicate
A time-base for our balms
"Thought-stuff" captures
Attention but is no boob job
For captive audiences
The time-senses you prefer
Of music fragments weave
Note-taking of tendency
Aphorisms play
Tend eyes taking-note
Each of us at *this* war
Making for "second reflection"
In the world a *contradicto*
We have loved but a world
Can't always love us back
Not with our failed hands and all
An unworking into existence
Of *poesis* still exigent
It is perhaps like Stein says
That God (or any empire)
Can not (finally) make a hundred
Year-old mule in a minute
And yet disaster tells us
Otherwise that archetypes also
Abound in our powers
And activate events I want
To love *this* world but I can't
Always so we make another
More powerful so vigilance
Breaks at dawn a complicit state
Where cannons once were
I want to change the world
But its parameters can't be found
Out at any outpost of Theory
Or in apparent lack
I want to synthesize us
But we can't be simply gathered
In facts it should be accreted
To what measure will be
Hold me in your lyric here
Cathect me to convey
That vertical *over*-seeing
A "beyond-in" "in this world"
I like the sense of gravity
Your poetry proposes
Where chips of time remain
A-maying in bared attendance.

*the above (top-most) collage is by Nick Piombino, and called "Chris Dangerous"