Monday, January 10, 2011

Others Letters :: Pat Clifford and Aryanil Mukherjee

Pat Clifford and Aryanil Mukherjee discuss the translation of "objectivist" into Bengali at Others Letters:

How would you explain the word "objectivist"? It is object-oriented or goal-oriented or both? Pound wrote in 1913, "the natural object is always the adequate symbol". Now, that's how all of modernistic poetry was written - making metaphors of natural objects. What is Pound trying to say here, you think?

"bastu" is object. "laxya" is goal or object, for example when you say, "the objective of this experiment is...", the Bengali translation would be "ei pareexaar laxya halo....". So I used the word "laxyabastu" which literally means "target" but captures the twin-fold meaning of "object". What do you think of it ?

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