Thursday, April 12, 2007

One of Several Sheep

Images remind me t
he spare is a square
is a snag that each w
indshield without a
pane fills up instead

with history sufferin
g there these stones
for skin within the in
terstices the throats
of sheep subtracted

ten years after the W
atts riots roofs were
still theirs to keep fr
om rain or weeping
what a disaster desp

air one always experi
enced it elsewhere ex
cept when a hurt is h
ere tinged with sham
e blood should be a

camerawork speech
a winch for waiting
transformed to this
edge where rock ben
ds rock to other sub

stances sustenance
forms whereof with
out there is no grav
ity children leap roof
tops above the head

when that child strok
es her father's cheek
it is as if to claim no
other love supreme no
other earth but in the

se events born betwee
n jobs sheep being a l
abor unto death his sic
kness to kill somehow
is also to die with them

so we are are also put
to hooks where nothing
should be grasped no
abstractions notwithst
anding your sudden rap

broke down on a road
side how come none in
the audience laughed
at this was it because a
speech is too ironic or

they weep secretly that
nothing should be said
except a remaining b
lues its sadness surpass
ing the saddest masks.

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