Friday, November 17, 2006

Old Growth

Old Growth
"Trees stay outside one's thought"
--Robert Creeley

A forest grows between us
Metaphors other inadequacies

Trauma bound when a wild
Mole the world was

Blind as such and silent
I touched you there

Then swelled now dimpled
So the forest fell to sleep

And saw its double there
It saw its double there spelling

All the alabaster to come
The feathers of down

The feathers loved ones
Chasing this course

Cleaving this caesura's course
The forest is a tendency

A force of things in history
With a little "h" enactments

And powers if Lear
Could have just ceased gravity

If naturans could have its way
Grace would say farewell

Farewell farewell the forest dispersed
All force the forest solved

In disappearance
We would lay down to bed

And the world and breath would sleep
The breath would forget

Kissing you
Animals laying

to bed in dow

animals without

history crying re

tears no there
is real feeling we h

ave names
the forms of our built a

nd broken
belief O interior recede

risk antecede zip
promise to recover me

So the forest fell to sleep
And saw its double there

It saw its double there sp

All the alabaster to come

The feathers of down
The feather's loved ones chasing

Caesura this course
The forest is a tendency

A force of things in history
With a little "h" enactments and

Powers if Lear could have just
Ceased gravity if naturans

Could have its way
Grace would say farewell

Our bed disappears
But we remain

In metaphors forest confiding
Our coming allegory.

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