Saturday, May 16, 2009

David Buuck's The Shunt

Palm Press is pleased to announce the publication of David Buuck's full-length collection of poetry: The Shunt

The Shunt provocatively explores one of our most ordinary experiences of social discomfort—embarrassment for the flailing comedian and his all too visible affective labor—in a strikingly intelligent and utterly heartbreaking way. For all its acerbic tonality, The Shunt’s affective agenda is thus the exact opposite of ironic cynicism, which is one of this brilliantly discomforting book’s most delightful surprises.—Sianne Ngai

With its stutters, fractures, puns, sarcasms, and ironies, The Shunt is part of a cluster of books recently written by US poets attempting to understand what it means to live in a country that is constantly bombing other countries. But with its relentless attention to the group psychosis that this state of siege induces in US citizens, The Shunt is also something sui generis. This is your brain on war. --Juliana Spahr

In a blow-up doll of "meaty-ations," David Buuck's "pre-enactments" push us over a speed hump--a "World Wide Wedge" whose word-wilding labors to de-desertify globalization as it runs on "war dash time." Split betwixt Ginsberg and Prince, paranomasia and stutter, every page of this "writing degree Xanax" will remind you to take your meds from a (n undisclosed) place in the bunk-bed of history.--Judith Goldman

The Shunt by David Buuck
102 pages
ISBN 978-0-9789262-8-1

Available directly from Palm Press

and from SPD,Small Press Distriubution

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